Inspired by the ADVENT CALENDAR we would get as kids (open a window per day, get a little chocolate and the hidden image)
I am offering my online training video practice!
In the same way as the advent calendar, you will get to open 1 online window per day and find a video link with the daily practice! The videos will be recorded in a LIVE mode, so you don’t just get the instruction, you get to DO the practice with me, with instruction, as if you were in a class!
TRICK:The practice will only be available that day (24hrs), so that you get a kick in the butt to really do it that day (no excuses, no skipping days, no postponing the practice to the day when you think you will have time). As we have learned from experience, it’s easier to actually DO IT, when you can’t just put it off until the next day
The goal is to practice daily, even if just for a short time: we will start with 5 min a day for 3 days (1-3.12.) then 10 min for a week, 15min next week, 20min the 3rd week and we hit 25min per day on the last week of December!
Every section/week of the month will have a general focus – half of the daily practice will be yoga & preparatory exercises that will help us with the 2nd part of the daily practice- the (quality) execution of Tribal belly dance movements. This way you will be 100% effective and feel how much progress you can make within a week and a month! There will be options
for beginner and advanced versions of the practice in the video.
- – 10.12. – focusing on chest opening & movements and isolations with the upper body
- – 17. 12. – focusing on obliques/side body & movements and isolations of the hips
- – 24. 12. – focusing on abdominals & belly rolls – undulations – body waves
- – 31. 12 – focusing on conditioning and opening the shoulders & funky drills and armwork
You will receive the link to the online advent calendar after the payment.
This is based on a minimal donation, as I want everyone to feel what a huge difference every day practice can make, even if they can not give more financially! The suggested minimum of the donation is 35€. However, if you feel you can donate more, I will appreciate your support!
Your donation will help us create a new warm studio home in Ljubljana, since we are losing our old one in 2019!
For everyone who has done this with me before (the material is the same as in 2017), the minimum based donation is 30€. Again, if it is possible for you, please donate more.
1.SEND me an email address where you want to receive the online links of the calendar and passwords to unlock the videos!
2.MAKE THE PAYMENT DONATION & SEND ME A CONFMATION email that you are all set!
3.YOU GET the links and passwords and ENJOY the PRACTICE from the comfort of your home!
You can donate via paypal to
or bank transfer to:
company/association name:
1230 (postal code)
SLOVENIA -country
IBAN: SI56026770258205630
Name of the Bank: NLB d.d.
(=short for NOVA LJUBLJANSKA BANKA d.d.)
purpose of payment – donation for advent calendar
Let me know if you have any more questions!