Online program 7 DAY TRIBAL ARMS and LAYERS PRACTICE COMPANION (v angleščini) 15. – 21. MAJ 2023

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*** ONLINE PROGRAM vsakodnevne vadbe z Manco Pavli *** VTISE udeleženk najdeš spodaj!
Razvij fluidnost, izboljšaj gibljivost in zdravje ramen in odpri svoj prsni koš in srce!
Inspiracija z gibi zagotovljena!
Magija, ki se zgodi ob vsakodnevni vadbi = NEPRECENLJIVA!

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24-urni limit ti bo pomagal, da se izogneš izgovorom in distrakcijam (ki vedno pridejo, sej veš kako je 😉 ) & se lažje brcneš v rit da vadiš teh 7 DNI RES VSAK DAN!
Vsak dan si lahko dani 30-40 min video zavrtiš kolikokrat želiš, tako da tudi če ti kaj ni jasno, lahko zavrtiš nazaj in poskusiš še 1-99x!
Vsak dan drugačni video posnetek se dnevno odpre ob 00:00 in je dosegljiv do 24:00, torej točno 24ur!
Videi so primerni za začetnike zaradi obilice razlage v detajle, pa tudi za nadaljevalke, saj je tudi veliko kompleksnejših variacij!
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CENA za 7-dnevni paket vadb = 50
CENA s POPUSTOM za prvih 15 prijavljenih = 45
PONAVLJAM cena “Jst bi še enkrat!” / redne tečajnice 40
VKLJUČENO V CENO = 7-dnevni program + ONLINE VIDEO delavnica = QUESTION and ANSWER ! (v ŽIVO* (priporočam) + POSNETO!) na zadnji dan = 21.5.2023 od 18:00 do 19:00 CEST / GMT+2 aka Ljubljana cajt
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– tvoje ime, priimek in mesto, od kod se nam boš pridružila
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Feedback tistih, ki so se programa udeležili v preteklosti:
I can not praise this program enough! Professionally produced, just long enough! Incredible physical benefits: even when no one is watching me as I walk around my apartment, I can’t have a bad posture anymore. It seems like my shoulders move back by themselves 🙂
In short – a balsam for the body in these difficult times, as we stay inside and behind computers so much.
And then the wonderful dance combinations for my soul! With each one, I learned something new, but I was able to follow as the instruction was given clearly.
Ana Kodarin (Slovenia)
It was exactly the right amount of input that I needed and then I very much liked the concentration on one topic. My posture is also very thankful…
And you really know your stuff!!! The way you explain is very systematic, which I appreciate very much! Since the content is quite complex, I sometimes would have wished you here in my living room, so you can correct what I make of it, but the overall idea got clear, thanks to your constant instructions. You really made me think, which is a good thing 😉
I also liked the structure of the video. Having a structure always helps me in the first place. And then it also made sense, starting with some yoga practice, going to dance input, which can be internalised in a combo and finishing up with a good stretch: that pretzel in the end was awesome!
So thank you very much, you and your filming team, for the professional work!
Christin (Germany)Thank you so much Manca for this training, I’ve just ended now and I will miss it a lot in the next few days!! I feel how I worked my shoulders and arms, chest and body posture. I began the lessons with a little cold and I felt just how a few seconds after beginning my joints created heat from inside. Mixing it with the dance section is so much fun and enjoyable. I was excited to see new movements each day, like the chocolate inside the advent calendar. I love it so so much!!! Looking forward to more training like this! I hope you will keep doing it, the editing is excellent and the format of time is perfect to do it daily.
Thank you so much again.
Elena (Spain)

I finished strong! Thank you for a wonderful program. I would lie if I said everything went smoothly. Discipline was not a problem, but I was sometimes not able to completely coordinate all the movements. But nonetheless, my brain registered the knowledge and one day, when I improvise I will go into a meditative state and the moves will flow 😜 Each journey starts with small steps. Exactly in that way I made progress each day by opening my chest and shoulders more and more😇
I would like to ask you for more tutorials like this! The beauty of it is that each individual can adjust the speed on their own. You can stop the video – try to feel the movement and at the end, do as much as you are able.
Thank you for the great yogi exercises! I usually did the training in the morning and they gave me lots of motivation and energy throughout the day.
Nina (Slovenia)